Masayoshi Nakamura is a respected animator and designer with over 20 years in advertising and animation sectors. Hailing from Nishinomiya, Hyogo, Japan, his first encounter with America occurred during a family trip to the East Coast at age 14, where his artistic aspirations began to take shape, particularly in New York City. With limited English skills but strong parental support, he made a leap to the United States. He studied graphic design at the School of Visual Arts, acquiring essential skills for a successful career as a commercial artist while nurturing his artistic identity. His initial role at MTV reinforced his belief in making fun things and making a living could harmoniously coexist, a principle he continues to uphold. 
In 2007, Nakamura received notable recognition as part of PRINT’s “New Visual Artists showcase,” which celebrates innovative and thought-provoking talents in the creative industry. His 2009 project, “Hibi No Neiro,” garnered international acclaim and was featured at prestigious film festivals, including Annecy. In 2019, his work as animation director for “Albatross Soup” further elevated his reputation, winning the title of “Animation of the Year” at the Vimeo Awards. Despite his respected position as an animator and designer, the challenges of freelance work remain, a theme he delves into in his ongoing web-comic series, “John, I’m only freelancing.”
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