It's been half a year since Genevieve Williams passed, though I'm not too certain. I only learned through a friend Diksha, and she knows as little as I do: it was a falling accident in Mexico, presumably in her new house or in the neighborhood. She was such a warm and kind person. I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for her. She helped me when I needed most. I didnt constantly see her, as she was constantly traveling but she was always encouraging my artwork and my family. For a while I thought it was a mistake and she will reappear again somewhere: maybe her phone died, her internet got disconnected. Then after sometime, I was determined to find my way to honor her legacy. A while back, she shared bunch of anecdotes about her father. Growing up in rural Pennsylvania, she had quite fascinating stories, and I wanted to make a short film with them, but never really got around to it, as many of my ideas. This tomato sandwich episode, stuck to me with a fairly clear vision, that I decided to visualize it, make a comic of it. I hope she is happy with what I made, how I portrait her and her dad, the atmosphere.